Wednesday, October 13, 2010

How to cook nice rice.( everytime/absorption method)

the issue with rice is its increadible ability to take on water.

The way to cook good rice is to ensure the rice is cookned but not given the opportunity to go berserk with the water.
If you buy a rice cooker the instructions come with it...

But if you don't have one well!!!

Grab a medium sized saucepan.
Put in your rice, If its over half full with the dry rice in it the pans not big enough or you 're trying to cook to much rice.

Now cover the rice with water and rub the rice in your hands.
The water will go cloudy.
Carefully pour out the water and fill again repeating the process two or three times.

now fill the pan so that the water is over the rice halfway between the first and second knukle on your index finger.

now bring it to the boil cover and then simmer for 7 mins.
then turn it off, the rice will continue to cook as it soaks up the remaining water.

let me know how you go.

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